Another Epic.

We’re very pleased to say that, following our Epic TV documentary about the Wales v England rugby match in 1999, we’ve been commissioned by BBC Wales to make another Epic about 1999 - this time it’s Millennium night in Wales and beyond.

In anyone’s life there are very few specific dates where we can all remember where we were and what we were doing, but New Year’s Eve 1999 is probably one of them.

We’ll be talking to lots of people with interesting stories of their Millennium experience. If you were at the Manic Millennium concert in Cardiff, perhaps enjoying the night or working at the event, we’d like to hear from you. If you had a party, or you were giving birth, if you spent it stuck in a queue, or were defending the world from the Millennium Bug, we’d love to hear your stories. Get in touch by email: or leave us a message on 029 2267 6716.